Comments on: 44 commuters booked for overspeeding on Expressway Fri, 07 Jul 2023 13:13:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Raj Fri, 07 Jul 2023 13:13:16 +0000 KUDOS …. to Mr. Alok Kumar and Team, good start /great Job !. Thank you.
Lets talk what is available at this moment and not worry about what is needed in future.

By: Lakshman Prasad Thu, 06 Jul 2023 14:23:36 +0000 Excellent initiative. Hundreds of lives would be saved. 60Km/hour for the trucks is too low. It will affect the productivity for freight transport. My suggestion is trucks too should be able to run safely at 80Km/hour and travel on the left lane only unless overtaking.

Further, they should install average speed cameras which has been implemented in many countries around the world. It works as follows.

Two separate sets of fixed cameras are installed at two separate locations with a known distance. The cameras take a picture of the number plate at the first set of speed camera and record the time. Subsequently the second set of cameras capture the number plate and arriving time at the second location. If the vehicle arrives earlier than the specified time based on speed limit, fines will be imposed and licence cancelled.

For example, if two sets of cameras are separated by a distance of 60Km are installed and the speed limit is 100Km/hour the duration of travel is 36 minutes. If the vehicles arrive earlier than 36 minutes at the second set of cameras, fines will be levied. This technology is already available and successfully implemented in many countries.

I am sure there are a number of IT and electronic firms in Bengaluru who can design, manufacture, test and operate these systems successfully.

Average speed cameras are the best way to regulate and enforce speed limits.
